Since I don’t use Bluetooth I’ve been wondering for some time how to permanently disable it in Ubuntu. There’s a menu item that allows to quickly disable it, but this setting doesn’t survive a restart. Despite some time spent searching around I have not found a reasonable solution to shut down Bluetooth. The only thing that seems to work is uninstalling the complete Bluetooth stack:
sudo apt-get remove bluez bluetooth
That’s a bit radical but since I really don’t need it that’s what I’ve done now.
UPDATE: It took me some time to notice that by removing the bluetooth stack, somehow the “System Preferences” application (Unity Control Center) got removed as well. Dash wouldn’t find any results anymore, neither the preferences application nor any of its items. Also, selecting the System preferences item from the context menu at the top right of the screen didn’t start it as well. The system log didn’t show any meaningful errors, but finally this post on pointed me into the right direction. To reinstall, I’ve ran
sudo apt-get install unity-control-center
You can also install it using the Ubuntu Software Center, of course.
UPDATE 2: Sigh… after installing some Ubuntu updates, the Bluetooth stack is installed again. 🙁