Set up wireguard connection on Ubuntu to FritzBox

For some time now, AVM’s various FritzBox models support Wireguard for VPN connections but until now I used tradidional IPSec tunnels. After reinstalling my notebook I couldn’t make the IPSec connection work again, so I thought I might as well switch to the supposedly more performant Wireguard method. Setup in the FritzBox is very easy, …

Disabling Bluetooth in Ubuntu

Since I don’t use Bluetooth I’ve been wondering for some time how to permanently disable it in Ubuntu. There’s a menu item that allows to quickly disable it, but this setting doesn’t survive a restart. Despite some time spent searching around I have not found a reasonable solution to shut down Bluetooth. The only thing …

Disabling the ThinkPad TrackPoint in Ubuntu

One thing that has annoyed me since I switched to Ubuntu as my main operating system is the little red TrackPoint of my Thinkpad, situated in the middle of the keyboard. Often, when I’m typing something, I will hit it and the focus suddenly is on a different UI element. Today I finally found how …

Setting up samba shares in Ubuntu

One step of moving over from Mac OS X to Ubuntu was setting up my file shares that I’m using for serving media content to Openelec. For OS X I’ve used SMBUp to configure the folder sharing. Ubuntu supposedly makes it easy to share a folder, you just right click the candidate and choose “Share …

Installing OpenJDK 8 on Ubuntu

As part of setting up my new Ubuntu notebook I wanted to have Java 8 as the default JDK. Unfortunatly there’s only OpenJDK 7 available as a pre-built package and suggests building it from scratch. It references a blog post that explains the required steps and it’s actually quite easy. Here’s how: Installing required …