Locally ignoring changes with Git

It’s one of those little problems that I’ve been having over and over during my whole career: You have some local changes in your working tree, but you don’t want to commit them in the end. The files should be in version control, so .gitignore is not the solution. You promise yourself to be careful …

Intellij HTTP client: semi-automatic authentication

I’m a fan of the http client delivered as part of Intellij and I have been using it in many customer projects to quickly invoke service endpoints. Implementing requests is often faster than using other standalone tools like Postman and since it’s part of my prefered IDE there’s almost no friction using it. Service endpoints …

API testing with Postman

For a project I’m currently working on we are using the well-known tool Postman to test the http API of a service that we are developing and maintaining. I have been using it to test single requests in the past, but as it comes with a lot of features and can feel a bit bloated …

Referencing Gitlab issues in commit messages

Since recently I’m working on an open source project hosted on a Gitlab instance. We also manage project issues in Gitlab and in my commit messages I reference those issues, where appropriate. I do this by prefixing the commit message with a hashmark and the issue number. A commit message can look like that: #123: …

Cleanup of git branches

In our work projects we use a lot of git branches. Over time, the number of branches in my local repository grows and it gets more complicated to find specific branches. For this reason I like to cleanup untracked branches every now and then, and because this is only an issue every few months, I keep …

Automatic switching of Java SDK versions

I’ve been using SdkMan! for a long time, it makes it quite easy to manage multiple versions of different frameworks. I’ve been almost exclusivly using it to manage Java SDK versions over the past years, and although I’m mostly writing code in Kotlin recently every now and then I’m also looking at Java based projects. …