Project Lombok’s @Builder annotation and generics

Some time ago I’ve written about Project Lombok’s @Builder annotation. When used, it will automatically create a builder for your Java POJOs. Lately, I’ve had some trouble using it on generic classes. Initially I thought that Lombok might need some improvements in this area, but it turned out that I was just using it wrong. …

Project Lombok's @Builder annotation

We’ve been using Project Lombok for a long time to reduce boilerplate code in our Java projects – it provides you with a number of annotations (@NoArgsConstructor, @AllArgsConstructor, @Getter, etc.) that will be used to generate code for you. If you don’t know it yet, I recommend you take a look and adopt its usage. …

Installing OpenJDK 8 on Ubuntu

As part of setting up my new Ubuntu notebook I wanted to have Java 8 as the default JDK. Unfortunatly there’s only OpenJDK 7 available as a pre-built package and suggests building it from scratch. It references a blog post that explains the required steps and it’s actually quite easy. Here’s how: Installing required …